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Following information shared via USA Wheel Gymnastics Newsletter:

This upcoming 2022 we are hosting are annual March Weekend. Held in the north side of Chicago, Wheel Weekend is a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge in the world of wheel.

We offer several workshops including Cyr wheel, Gym Wheel, Judging, Coaching and More! Whether your focus is performance, competition, physical fitness, or merely FUN, we would love to have you! If you are a beginner or a professional this is a great opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills.

You can find more information on our website www.usawheelgymnastics.com and can register for Wheel Weekend below.


2022, March 18
2022, March 20
Event Categories:


5944 N. Magnolia Ave | Chicago, IL, 60660 | USA
5944 N. Magnolia Ave
Chicago, IL 60660 United States


USA Wheel Gymnastics
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