Code of Points Archive
Gym Wheel
Code of Points 2023+ Version 2.1 (published Sep 2, 2023):
The updated version of the Code of Points 2023+ provides further definitions on specific sections as well as corrections of minor errors. A list of all differences between version 2.0 and version 2.1 can be found on page 3 of the document. Version 2.1 will be the valid version for the 2024 individual world championships.
Download Version 2.1 below:
Differences between version 2.1 and version 2.0 (see page 3 of version 2.1)
After the first IRV multiplier judging course in January and February 2023, the IRV Code of Points team made minor changes to the current regulations. These changes are aimed at clarifying certain topics. The differences between this version (2.1) and the previous version (2.0) can be found in the table below. Please keep in mind that whenever there is a discrepancy between the CoP 2023+ and the Technical Language of Wheel Gymnastics (1988), the CoP 2023+ is the valid source of information.

Code of Points Archive
Gym Wheel
General Regulations
This version of the IRV General Regulations for Straight-Line builds on the German Code of Points 1997 (WB-97) together with the IRV changes from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. It replaces all previous documentation and is available in English and German.
- IRV General Regulations Straight-Line (English | 2020)
- IRV General Regulations Straight-Line (German | 2020)
Supplement for Straight-Line routines to Music
- Coming soon (Feb/Mar 2020)
Difficulty Catalogue
- IRV Difficulty Elements Straight-Line (A & B)
- IRV Difficulty Elements Straight-Line (C)
- IRV Difficulty Elements Straight-Line (D)
General Regulations
- IRV General Regulations Spiral (English | 2019-2020)
- IRV General Regulations Spiral (German | 2019-2020)
Difficulty Catalogue
General Regulations
Difficulty Catalogue
- included in “Vault Regulations”