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IRV Judging Multiplier Course 2023

About the Judging Multiplier Courses: The IRV provides so-called multiplier courses every year. These courses provide detailed information on the Code of Points and Competition Rules. The courses will be held in English and it is a prerequisite that all course participants have sufficient English language skills, as well as prior knowledge of the IRV Code of Points and Competition Rules.

Course Dates for IRV Judging Multiplier Course in 2023

NB: Both weekends are part of the same course.

Course details

The IRV multiplier course comprises a total of 20 hours (usually on weekend dates). The course will be held virtually (via Zoom, MS Teams, etc.). Each IRV member federation is provided with a defined number of free spots, based on membership status:

  • IRV GOLD members → 5 free spots
  • IRV SILVER members → 3 free spots
  • IRV BRONZE members → 1 free spot

Additional registrations are possible, but a registration fee of 50€ will be charged for each extra judge.


IRV Judging Multiplier Course

Federations & Clubs with IRV Membership Pass can nominate up to 5 judges to receive a free spots for the course.

Are you a late joiner?

We have opened registration again to take part in the Judging Mulitplier Course.
With a ticket you’ll also get access to all recordings of all four days, so that you’ll not miss anything.

Book your ticket below to clarify your questions with the IRV judging team.

Federations & Clubs with IRV Membership

  • Gold Members: 5 free tickets
  • Silver Members: 3 free tickets
  • Bronze Members: 1 free ticket

Regular Ticket

  • Participation in judging multiplier courses Jan/Feb 2023
  • Participation in judging refresher courses in 2023
  • Receive Judges Qualification Points for each judging course you attended
  • Access to all Course Recordings


2023, January 28
2023, February 5
Event Categories:
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Online (Zoom)


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