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„Hei“ and welcome to Sonderburg!

With the 2022 IRV World Championships, the wheel gymnastics community returns to an international competitive arena after a long break. Being back at the World Championships means meeting friends from all over the world and competing for medals and titles again. This is what has kept us motivated during the last two years of uncertainty.

Wheel Gymnastics in Denmark has been a success story for a long time. Since the international training camp in Ringsted in 2008, the development of our sport in Denmark has flourished. Three Danish clubs currently take part in competitions all over Europe, and participants from Denmark have competed at several World Championships during the last fourteen years.

With the 2022 World Championships in Sonderburg, we can add one more host country to the list of IRV competitions. Edgar Claussen and his team from the „Deutscher Jugendverband für Nordschleswig“ have invested an enormous amount of time and energy in the organization of the event. On behalf of the entire wheel gymnastics community, I would like to thank Edgar and his team for the invitation to Sonderburg and the effort they have put into setting the stage for these World Championships.

I wish our competitors a great time in Sonderburg and all the best for the competition.

Henning Henningsen

President International Wheel Gymnastics Federation

IRV World Championships

Main Registration


TS Sonderburg
Sonderburg, Dänemark


TS Sonderburg
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