Academy Coaches
Check out the work of our Academy Coaches
Sabine Krumm2021-03-11T17:37:44+01:00
Splits in 5 Minutes | 5 Min. | English
Focus of this video: learn splits with 5
Sabine Krumm2020-11-24T15:13:41+01:00
Back Workout | 10 Min. | English
Focus of this video: core/back strength, gain muscles
Sabine Krumm2020-11-22T17:10:54+01:00
Vault Workout | 26 Minutes | Swiss German
Focus of this video: general warm up, basics
Sabine Krumm2020-11-22T17:11:36+01:00
Cardio and Strength Workout | 46 Minutes | English
Focus of this video: tabata, leg strength, arm
Sabine Krumm2020-11-22T17:12:05+01:00
Cardio and Core Strength Workout | 47 Minutes | English
Focus of this video: cardio, core strength, stretching
Sabine Krumm2020-11-22T16:41:55+01:00
Vault Workout | 33 Minutes | English
Focus of this video: general warm up, vault:
Sabine Krumm2020-11-22T17:12:52+01:00
Stick your landing | 10 Min | English
Focus of this video: general warm up, leg
Sabine Krumm2020-11-22T10:49:49+01:00
Cardio and Strength Workout | 46 Minutes | Swiss German
Focus of this video: general warm up, cardio
Straight-Line Workout | 44 Min | English
Focus of this video: general warm up, free-fly
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Spiral Workout | 35 Min | Swiss German, English Subtitles
Focus of this video: general warm up, strength