New Wheel Gymnastics Academy starts with Video Workouts
Dear friends of Wheel Gymnastics
The COVID-19 situation has greatly challenged all athletes around the world in the last couple of months. Events needed to be postponed, trainings had to be cancelled. However, the IRV has noticed an inspiring movement towards video-based home workouts, which we very much welcome. In an effort to canalize those videos and make them available for as many wheel gymnasts as possible, we have created a new area “video workouts” within our academy for wheel gymnastics on the IRV homepage. You will find the first set of videos for different levels and with diverse contents. Please feel free to use them for your training, share them with your friends or get inspired by them for your own home workout. We plan to increase the number of video workouts and recruit more academy coaches. If you want to be part of the academy as a coach, if you have a video to share or if you wish for a video with specific input, please feel free to contact us.
An academy lives primarily through the students. In this sense: stay active and stay healthy.
Your IRV Academy Team
Katharina Heymann (GER)
Sabine Krumm (SUI)
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